Riversimple Gets Complex with New FCEV Prototypes

May 8, 2016 | By Hydro Kevin Kantola | Filed in: Hydrogen Cars.

A couple of months ago, Riversimple rolled out its Rasa hydrogen FCEV (fuel cell electric vehicle). And, now that we’ve gotten used to this cool, cutting edge design, Riversimple has done it again, but unveiling two new design prototypes at the London Motor Show.

According to Gizmag, “In an attempt to augment the simple hatchback design of the original model, the two new preliminary designs that may eventually expand Riversimple’s model range are aimed at opposite ends of the spectrum, with a somewhat more conventional four-door sedan and a city-based light commercial van.”

Good paying jobs, sustainability and profitability are a few of Riversimple’s stated goals in rolling out its line of fuel cell vehicles.

The four door sedan appears to be Riversimple taking aim at a more practical vehicle (pictured above). The light commercial van, however, may also be practical but with a more space age design (pictured below).

If I were to put in my 2 cents I would say that Riversimple has knocked it out of the park again. Dear reader, what do you think?







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